Become a member

Dice King

$30.00 per month

Gets One Box every 3 months gives suggestions and can Have name added to the Stream Ending when Making them Prototypes Key Chains from scrap wood , or other items with scrap

Matt Merceer Impersonator

$100.00 per month

GM screen Project Suggestions 1 GM screen when completed, and a Box every 3 months Discount on any Other gear A Calendar with Photos of Me in different outfits Every year A Birthday Gift of one Custom Box Per year A sweet Treat sent to your address you can request a Special Action During any Stream. Where I will perform that action (Approval needed) Christmas Gift that might be tacky.

Partner with me to sell

$500.00 per month

If you are a gameshop then you may like this This will get your a Total of a Max of 20 boxes a month, each one is Cheaper than buying individually